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IEEE Portugal Section Awards

Each year, the IEEE Portugal Section awards the most valuable IEEE Portugal members. The awards measure and acknowledge the impact of its members during the previous year. Alongside, the IEEE Portugal Section awards the Outstanding M.Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis Awards submitted by former M.Sc. and Ph.D.students who were enrolled in an M.Sc. or Ph.D. program in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution.

Year 2023

Section Awards

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: Vehicular Technology Chapter

Outstanding Activity Award: Communications Team (Cátia Carneiro, Diogo Pereira, Eliana Neuza Silva,  and Jorge Pinto)

Special Recognition Award: Telmo Fernandes

Outstanding Student Branch Award: IEEE Universidade do Minho Student Branch

Rising Star Organizational Unit: Communications Chapter

Best IEEE Volunteer Section Award: João Pedro Oliveira

Outstanding WIE Member Award: Eliana Neuza Silva

Outstanding YP Member Award: Samuel Carvalho

Outstanding Student Member Award: Daniela Ferreira, Matilde Rocha, Pedro Daniel Mendes

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

Pedro Filipe da Costa Gonçalves (UC), “Fault-Tolerant Predictive Control of PMSGs in Offshore Wind Turbines”

Outstanding M.Sc. Thesis Award

João Carlos Ramos Gonçalves de Matos (FEUP), “Research Frameworks towards Health Equity”
João Pedro Machado Vitorino (ISEP), “Realistic Adversarial Machine Learning to improve Network Intrusion Detection”
José Pedro Moura Costa Pinto (UA), “New Architecture for Rotational Self-Adaptive Electromagnetic Energy Harvester”
Pedro Miguel Nicolau Escaleira (UA), “Securing Real World 5G MEC Deployments”

Year 2022

Section Awards

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: Instrumentation & Measurement

Outstanding Activity Award: Catarina Reis

Special Recognition Award: Catarina Silva, Pedro Simeão Carvalho, and Miguel Ferreira

Outstanding Student Branch Award: Universidade do Porto

Rising Star Organizational Unit: Student Branch da Universidade de Aveiro

Best IEEE Volunteer Section Award: João Carlos Ferreira

Outstanding WIE Member Award: Maria Pires

Outstanding YP Member Award: Igor Matias

Outstanding Student Member Award: José Miguel Simões

Outstanding M.Sc. Thesis Award

João Pedro Barbosa Fonseca, “AI-Based Models to Predict The Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome”

Vasco José Rodrigues Cruz, “Algorithms for Art Gallery Problems”

Carolina Pignatelli, “Design of a Planar Solid State Transformer for DC Grids”

Tiago Emanuel da Silva Oliveira, “Small antennas for 5G and IoT”

Year 2021

Section Awards

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: Joint Chapter on Antennas & Propagation, Electron Devices and Microwave Theory

Outstanding Activity Award: Communications Team

Outstanding Student Branch Award: Instituto Superior de Lisboa

Rising Star Organizational Unit: Student Branch da Universidade de Coimbra

Best IEEE Volunteer Section Award: Cátia Bandeiras

Outstanding WIE Member Award: Alexandra Pereira, Beatriz Santos

Outstanding Student Member Award: David Morgado

Outstanding Student Member Award: Diogo Martins

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

Ricardo João Luís Marques Correia, “Passive Backscatter Wireless Sensor with Wireless Power Transmission for IoT applications”

Outstanding M.Sc. Thesis Award

Maria Teresa Parreira, “Describing Monolayer Mechanoresponse from Nuclear Morphology and Dynamics: a Computational Approach”

Manuel Serra Nunes, “Action-conditioned Disentanglement of Agent and Objects for Video Prediction in Robotic Tasks”

Year 2020

Section Awards

Outstanding Student Branch Award: Universidade do Porto

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: Education Chapter

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: EMBS Chapter 

Outstanding Young Professional: José Pinto

Outstanding WIE Member Award: Luísa Macedo

Special Recognition Award: Ana Madureira

Best IEEE Volunteer Award: Miguel Ferreira

Outstanding M.Sc. Thesis Award

Pedro Miguel da Silva Moreira, “Bobina de Petersen Eletrónica: Análise do Regime Transitória e Validação Experimental”

Manuel dos Santos Neves, “Laser Phase Noise Mitigation for Subcarrier-Multiplexing Optical Transmission Systems”

Afonso Duarte Amaral Cardoso Botelho, “Design and Application of Thrust Manoeuvres in a Constrained Spacecraft Rendezvous Context Using Optimal Control Techniques”

Pedro Miguel Dias Trindade, “Distributed Formation Control of Double-Integrator Vehicles in the Presence of Unknown Constant Disturbances”

Miguel Alves Ferreira, “Routing on Multiple Optimality Criteria: Theory and Protocols”

Hemaxi Narotamo, “Deep Learning Based Cell Nuclei Segmentation: An Application for Cell Cycle Staging”

André Miguel Ferreira da Cruz, “Fairness-Aware Hyperparameter Optimization”

Year 2019

Section Awards

Outstanding Chapter Section Award: Solid-State Circuits
Best IEEE Volunteer Section Award: Fábio Gaspar
Outstanding Student Branch Award: Universidade do Porto
Year 2018

Section Awards

Best IEEE Volunteer Section Award: Rui Vilares
Outstanding Student Branch Award: Universidade do Porto
Outstanding Chapter Section Award: EMBS Chapter
Outstanding WIE Member Award: Filomena Soares
Outstanding YP Member Award: Shashank Gaur
Year 2017

Section Awards

Outstanding WIE Member Award: Ana Margarida Trigo